HQA is a purely academic institution. It is not a political institution.
HQA is an American institution that promotes the success of the country.
HQA fully and strongly respects differences among different religions and cultures and recognizes the cultural and religious differences that permeate our American culture.
HQA promotes and teaches balance and moderation and believes that Islam is a religion that calls for balance and moderation in all aspects of life, especially when these aspects affect other people.
HQA believes that there are issues in Islam that are fixed and non-changeable and there are issues that are open for reinterpretation and application in different environments.
HQA, therefore, believes strongly on the impact of the reality that Muslims live in the United States on any religious verdict.
HQA respects and honors differences in opinions. Everyone is entitled to express his or her opinion freely without any coercion or intimidation.
HQA believes in gender equity and opens its doors to all individuals regardless of their sex, religious background, national origin, or any other similar factors. HQA will not tolerate any discrimination of any kind overt or covert.
Islam is a religion that teaches simplicity and ease in all matters.
Values and Beliefs
Islam is the universal message chosen by Allah (God) for all humanity that provides a model for a comprehensive way of life.
Islam is derived from the Quran, the teaching of the Prophet Mohammad, peace be upon him, as understood and practiced collectively by his companions.
Islam is the source of our morals and etiquettes.
An Islamic environment is vital for youth to understand and learn Islam, to practice it and to grow up as proud Muslims.
Islam orders us to learn and excel in every field.
Every child is a treasure that shines in a certain way
Education is the right of every person
A sound education is the one that nurtures the mind, body and soul.
A sound education is the one that brings out every learner’s talent and encourages creativity and critical thinking.
Creativity and innovation are critical elements in driving improvements to the learning process
Parents, teacher and administrators are role models for our students
Education is a partnership between the school and the parents.
An exemplary education system requires strong curricula and education programs, highly trained and qualified staff and robust operating processes and systems
The community has a collective responsibility to raise its children
Our youth are our most valuable assets.
Learners have different learning styles and they each learn at a different pace.
Every student deserves to be respected and loved
We are all equal and we strongly forbid discrimination on any basis.
We denounce extremism and bigotry
We respect others with different cultures, values and religions and embrace them as members of humanity.
We must live in harmony with others and cooperate with them on every noble cause.
We must stand up for justice for all people regardless of race, religion or creed.
Every voice has a right to be heard and respected in the community (especially the youngest)
We are not perfect and by admitting our mistakes, accepting our faults and trying to make better choices, we are bettering ourselves and our community