وَاجْعَلْنَــا لِلْمُتَّقِيـــنَ إِمَامًــــا
وَاجْعَلْنَــا لِلْمُتَّقِيـــنَ إِمَامًــــا

Accreditation and Affiliations

Cognia Accredited

March 24, 2022, we finished the process of renewing accreditation for our school, which is a detailed process that examines all the aspects of how professional the work of the school is. It is done every five years; this is our third accreditation. The first was done in 2012 and the second was in 2017). Alhamdulillah, it went very well. The accreditation committee was very impressed by our high academic achievements and our performance in general, especially with how our students were performing in the interviews.

They praised very much how our vision (واجعلنا للمتقين إماما) is driving all the aspects in the school, and how deep data is used to improve the school. They were also impressed by how much the parents are involved in improving the school in general. They also identified certain areas where we need to improve such as using a survey to measure the success of the training our teachers get after they finish it. At the end they gave us a score of 340.5, which is very high compared to the national average of 280. The chair of the committee said that HQA score was the highest he witnessed in all the schools he did. This is the Barakah of the Quran and the sincere and hard work of our teachers, our parents, our students, and our board and administration. The committee will send its findings to the Board of Cognia for final approval. 

Visit our affiliate Muslim American Society MAS-Katy. Established in 2006, MAS Katy Center is a thriving mosque and a community center frequented by the Muslims residing in the Katy and Houston areas.

Muslim American Society MAS-Katy

Congratulations to all of you! Our success would have not been achieved without your help and support. Search the Cognia Accreditation Registry to find HQ Academy/Katy Islamic Academy using ZIP Code 77094.