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وَاجْعَلْنَــا لِلْمُتَّقِيـــنَ إِمَامًــــا
Houston Quran Academy

Why HQA is Unique

By: Dr. Hamed Ghazali

Why HQA is Unique

HQA is a K-12 accredited school that combines academics with the Quran memorization and understanding in a unique way. Our results so far are outstanding! Our school is accredited and certified by Cognia, a global professional organization that evaluates a school’s collaboration, data collection, results analyses, and decision making processes. 

All schools accredited by Cognia are well recognized by the Department of Education of the United States, so our courses and credits are accepted and recognized by any school in the United States. With that in mind, let us look into the academic part first and then into the Quran memorization after that.

Academic Performance

In general, academic performance is measured through three means: the school’s own academic monitoring system, state tests, and national tests. To reduce bias and be objective, we focus more on state and federal tests. We give these tests annually.

Texas’s STAAR test is a content-driven test and measures the student’s mastery of curriculum offered through the Texas public-school system.

In 2022, HQA’s Average STAAR rates were 98% in Reading, 99% in Math, 100% in Science and 86% in Social Studies compared to the Texas state averages of 74% in Reading, 70% in Math, 74% in Science, and 59% in Social Studies. Our students considerably outperform their peers statewide.

The Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS) is a nationwide assessment that measures the skills students develop over a period of time. This test focuses more on measuring the development of academic skills, especially critical thinking skills.

Each student who takes the test receives a national percentile ranking to compare him/her with others nation-wide. The test results also give each school an average score per grade level in content areas such as math, reading, etc. The average for the entire grade levels in the elementary and middle school gives a good indicator of where the school stands. 

Most schools fall between the 50th-65th percentiles. Good schools with strong academic programs achieve scores that are higher than the 80th percentile. Alhamdulillah, with Allah’s help and the dedication and hard work of our teachers, administration, parents, and board, our average score for HQA ranges between 96.6 and 98.7 since 2012. These averages place our school in the top 2.7 percentiles in the nation, alhamdulillah. 

The PSAT, ACT and SAT are standardized tests used for college admissions, recommended for 11th-12th graders to determine their readiness for college work.

Alhamdulillah. In spring 2014, we started to use the SAT and ACT tests for high school. By that time, students would have finished all the necessary courses for this test such as algebra II, geometry, biology, and similar courses. We gave the ACT test to our students in 9th, 10th, and 11th grade to see how they perform in this college readiness test. Normally, a score above ranging from 21 to 23 would be satisfactory, a score from 24 to 26 would be recommended, and a score above 26 is considered relatively high.

HQA students’ scores ranged from 23-32 with an average of 28.1, which is really high. Surprisingly, some of the students in 9th grade scored at or above 31. This is very unique considering the fact that they have not yet taken math courses necessary for this test. However, consider that HQA scores could be higher if the ACT was given to students at the end of 11th grade and HQA has a small sample size compared to other schools.

Katy ISD average score was 23.5 compared to the State of Texas average of 20.5 in 2012. In addition, comparing HQA’s average score to the top schools in the nation would rank HQA as one of the top five schools in the nation in the ACT score.

We want you as a parent to rest assured that HQA provides your child with the best education in the nation. These outstanding results show how hard and smart our teachers and students work to produce such high academic achievements.  I pray to Allah to help us continue this trend inshaAllah. Congratulations to all parents and members of our school community!

The Holy Quran Memorization Program

Alhamdulilah at HQA, we do our best to bring a comprehensive memorization program that is not limited to mere memorization; our program is much deeper than that. It plays an integral part in the preparation of our students to be the future scholars and leaders of Islam in this country. Here is a description of what makes HQA’s Quran Memorization Program unique. 

Our experienced teachers combine the trust in Allah and the blessings of the Quran with hard and professional work to produce the best results. Most of our students in high school will be finishing the whole Quran with full understanding; some of them already have. Alhamdulillah, we owe our success to the Barakah of the Quran, and we pray to Allah to enable us to continue our success.

1. HQA emphasizes understanding in all the domains

HQA puts a strong emphasis and focus on understanding in all the domains of its curriculum. Hence, a solid understanding of the Holy Quran is a must for this task. Each student is tested on the meaning of what he or she is going to memorize before he or she is tested on memorization. This step also strengthens and enhances the process of memorization. This guarantees that the understanding is achieved before the memorization starts. Once the student finishes understanding the meaning of the Surah and memorizing it, he or she is required to look deeply into the Surah and analyze it to find the main lessons that the Surah is teaching. For example, the lesson in Surat Ashams is as clear as the sun as the name of the Surah indicates. Analyzing the Surah shows that it has the Qasam, the Answer to the Qasam, and an example. The Qasam is by the sun and the other things Allah swears by in the Surah. The answer to this Qasam is the verse that says دساها من خاب وقد زكاها من أفلح قد ,which means successful indeed is the one who elevates himself or herself and unsuccessful indeed is the one who does not. The rest of the Surah is an example about Thamoud and how they failed to do so. Once the student does this analysis to find the lesson or lessons of the Surah, he or she is asked about how he or she would implement these lessons in his or her personal life, which is the practice of the lessons of the Surah. This in turn will positively affect the personality of the child.

2. HQA emphasizes the correct pronunciation of each letter

A strong emphasis is placed on the correct pronunciation of each letter and each word of the Quran, i.e., on phonics (الحروف مخارج ). A good number of Muslims who read and memorize the Holy Quran pronounce words and verses incorrectly because they were not corrected the first time they learned it; and in some cases, they inherited the problem from their teachers. At HQA, we assure parents that their children will not have this problem.

3. HQA emphasizes correct rules of Tajweed

A strong emphasis is also placed on the correct rules of Tajweed. Students at HQA take daily classes on Tajweed by our expert, Dr. Main Alqudah. They are taught the rules and are required to learn the name of each rule in a classical way that guarantees that they are able to teach it to others in a professional way. A formal textbook on Tajweed is also used for this purpose.

4. HQA teaches Arabic grammar

Students in 4th grade and up are taught Arabic grammar in such a way that supports and enhances their understanding and memorization of the Holy Quran. For example, they will be able to understand why a certain vowel (Fatha or Damma or Kasra) is put on a certain word. Understanding and learning the Arabic grammar that enables them to do so is emphasized at HQA. Students gradually pick up the rules, and after a while, they become efficient at it.

5. HQA emphasizes building skills

There is a strong emphasis at HQA on building skills rather than just mere repetition and memorization without understanding and without being able to do the task alone without help from the teacher. This applies to all domains of knowledge whether it is in reading the Quran or in reading a passage in English or solving a math problem. Skills are stressed from the moment a child joins HQA until he or she graduates. For example, students in kindergarten are trained to develop the skills that enable them to become independent readers of the Holy Quran so that by the end of the year and just before they enter first grade, they can read on their own from any place in the Quran. All our kindergarteners are able to read from any place in the Quran with decent speed relative to their age by the end of the school year. In addition, they are able to write Arabic words with the correct vowels. When they enter first grade, the reading and writing skills are enhanced more so that they become totally independent the minute they are in second grade.

6. HQA focuses on building independent learning skills

The focus on building skills helps students become independent learners who can study and learn on their own with help, coaching and guidance from HQA experienced staff.

7. HQA differentiates memorization plans

Each student in 2nd grade and up has his or her own memorization and understanding plan. No two plans are alike. Each child has the plan that suits him or her and is tailored specifically for his or her needs in a way that suits his or her abilities and circumstances. First-grade students who are advanced join the upper grades in their Quran assignments as well.

8. HQA teaches daily, practical lessons

On a daily basis, students get a practical lesson on building their Islamic personality and their character, either from Dr. Main Alqudah or from Dr. Hamed Ghazali. These lessons help students shape their personality and help them become committed balanced Muslims, knowledgeable scholars, and contributing citizens and community builders.